TEN DAYS TILL TWENTY We've all got limited time to live some shorter than others, others longer than some They say it's how you live it that matters But I believe living in itself is what matters It's ten days till I'm twenty And honestly I feel like I've got much more years to go But who's to say I'm right? Anything could happen tomorrow I've always wanted to remain a child Gentle, meek and mild I've always said to myself Oh, but you're not of age yet! It's not time for your sun to set. Who says your hair has to be all grey before you can talk about life? In my few years I've been dealt a few blows... some even weightier than those with grey hairs. Yet I'll say a few; for I know there's much more to come! Yes I fear! yes I yearn! I feel like staying forever locked up in a room if that'll prevent all the hurt l got in store for me But I don't have a choice in how fast my telomeres shorten Or how rapidly my sun is...